MSDEXP Dust Cover for Cartridge Slot


:Video Game Console Accessories

:In stock

: leesmithsworkshop

If you picked up the MSDEXP by Mobiusstriptech, I designed this dust cover to slide into the cartridge port. It helps keep dust and debris out of the MSDEXP when the MegaSD cartridge isn't plugged in. Loosely slides down over the cartridge connector. 


Available only in black. 

Prusa Gold
Prusa bronze
Prusa Blue
Prusa Purple
Prusa Green
Prusa Orange
Retro Grey
Ruby Red

If you picked up the MSDEXP by Mobiusstriptech, I designed this dust cover to slide into the cartridge port. It helps keep dust and debris out of the MSDEXP when the MegaSD cartridge isn't plugged in. Loosely slides down over the cartridge connector. 


Available only in black.